You know the drill. Another year, another trip around the sun, and it’s all for THIS. We here at The Parsing Haus…

Oscar-Nominated Shorts: Documentary [Review by Parsi]
Viewing documentary shorts individually can be a task (links embedded). Access can be difficult and promotion essentially nonexistent. But, this…
Parsi & Haus LIVE BLOG the 2015 Oscars
Another year, another trip around the sun, and it’s all for THIS. Parsi and Haus are doing it again, shined and…

2015 Oscar Nominated Live Action Shorts [Review by Haus]
It’s Oscar season! Which means two things around here. One, time to remind you that we will once again be LIVE BLOGGING…
Parsi & Haus LIVE BLOG the Oscars
You may recall that in 2013 we made history. Parsi. Haus. Together. Live-tweeting the Oscars. You may also recall that our…