Buckle up, because Suicide Squad opens tomorrow and it’s about to get a very bad rap–part deservedly, and part, I…
ParsingHaus REVIEWS
Jason Bourne [Review by Haus]
Action provokes reaction, and not just in Newton’s Third Law: Some black swan event causes an unanticipated and outsize effect,…
The Purge: Election Year [Review by SpecialK]
In a summer punctuated by shooting deaths at the hands of police, targeted murderous attacks on officers, hate-filled rampages in…
Captain Fantastic [Review by CLGJr]
A highbrow comedic think piece that quotes Chomsky, the Bill of Rights, and Lolita in the same breath, and poses some truly complex…
Lights Out [Review by SpecialK]
You know how there’s a short list of famous people who would totally melt your mind if you met them…
Ghostbusters [Review by Haus]
You know what’s the worst part of growing up? We all know too damn much about life now, about people, about…