In fall of 1997, in my role as member of the Founding Triad of my college’s James Bond Society, I emailed…
ParsingHaus REVIEWS
22 Jump Street [Review by Haus]
21 Jump Street was the surprise hit of 2012. And that’s the key, surprise. That film’s preview played like the worst imaginable…
Edge of Tomorrow [Review by Haus]
Edge of Tomorrow is a monumentally awesome picture. I loved it. See it. What is it? It’s essentially a wartime…
X-Men: Days of Future Past [Summary Judgment by Haus]
So here we have another X-Men movie, chugging along from the shockingly good time-warp reboot that was X-Men: First Class. Some…
Godzilla [Summary Judgment by Haus]
I didn’t expect much from Godzilla — the 1998 version cemented this — but truth be told it’s a good deal…
The Neighbors [Summary Judgment by Haus]
The Neighbors is a good film inasmuch as it is entertaining, funny, well shot, has good music, and offers an…