You know the drill. Another year, another trip around the sun, and it’s all for THIS. We here at The Parsing Haus…

Get Out [Review by Parsi]
Horror is normally SpecialK’s realm and she has an excellent review of Get Out that you should read. A combination of…

Oscar-Nominated Shorts: Documentary [Review by Parsi]
Viewing documentary shorts individually can be a task (links embedded). Access can be difficult and promotion essentially nonexistent. But, this…

Don’t Think Twice [Review by Haus]
Don’t Think Twice is a sweet, wistful and authentic little indie picture about the wind-down of a small New York improv group.…

Deadpool [Review by Haus]
It’s sort of a running joke that Marvel’s blockbuster squad is giving its Midas-touch reach-around to progressively fringier characters in…
Parsi & Haus LIVE BLOG the Oscars
You may recall that in 2013 we made history. Parsi. Haus. Together. Live-tweeting the Oscars. You may also recall that our…