Don’t open the door. Get the gun. Don’t go back in there. About halfway through every horror movie, at least…
Thoroughbreds [Review by Haus]
Thoroughbreds is special little thriller. Right from go, it’s unpredictable — it plays every scene just a little differently than…
The Parsing Haus! 2018 Academy Awards! Live Blog! CHOICE!!!!
You know the drill. Another year, another trip around the sun, and it’s all for THIS. We here at The Parsing Haus…
Still/Born [Review by SpecialK]
Carefully-groomed hedges, grates within gates within grids, and tiny, comfy plots to live out the rest of eternity. If you’re…
Winchester [Review by SpecialK]
“Wide unclasp the table of their thoughts,” and “These same thoughts people this little world.” If you see Winchester, you learn…
Insidious: The Last Key [Review by SpecialK]
Look, I know it’s 2018, and we should be all “onward and upward,” but I’m here to remind you that…