I love bad movies. Seriously love them. I guess I ought to explain. I like movies that are so bad…

Hobo with a Shotgun [Review by Haus]
If you haven’t heard of Hobo with a Shotgun by now, you probably aren’t in its target market. No worry. For those…

Scream 4 [A Brief Aside by Haus]
Well, Scream 4. I’ve never seen Scream, Scream 2 or Scream 3. I’m also not especially enamored of Wes Craven.…

Super 8 [Review by Haus]
So you’ve been wondering what on earth Super 8 is? Easy. It’s E.T. meets Cloverfield. How is it? It’s solid.…

Midnight in Paris [Review by Haus]
Midnight in Paris is Woody Allen’s latest, and one of his finest in a long time. I’ll admit, I went…

X-Men: First Class [Review by Parsi]
When I was a tot, I loved comic books. Frankly, as an adult I still occasionally indulge, although it seems…